[Planner] Planner 12.90 on OSX

Hey folks,

Alright, I just redid my Planner on OSX, it worked
(see beautiful screenshot at http://www.geocities.com/adijedi/Planner.12.90_OSX.pdf)
and here's what worked:

1. Using Fink do a selfupdate and an update-all to make sure everything is just such, also make sure you have gettext installed. 2. Open the terminal app and in preferences see what kind of shell it creates (I use a tcsh shell, type /bin/tcsh & return if you need to) make yourself root by typing "sudo -s" and entering your password & return.
3.  get the latest planner from cvs, type as follows:
   setenv CVSROOT ":pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome"
   cvs login
   [press return for password]
   cd ~
   cvs co planner
4. I have installed libtool1.5 at /usr/bin/libtool.1.5, you can also usr /sw/bin/glibtool [I know there are more elegant ways to do this, but it worked this way so ...], type as follows:
   cp /usr/bin/libtool /usr/bin/libtool.bup
   cp /usr/bin/libtool.1.5 /usr/bin/libtool
5.  type as follows
   cd planner
   setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/sw/lib/pkgconfig"
   setenv ACLOCAL_PATH "/usr/local/share/aclocal:/sw/share/aclocal"
   ./autogen.sh --enable-python=no
6.  restore Apple's libtool by typing as follows
   cp /usr/bin/libtool.bup /usr/bin/libtool
7.  type make
8.  type make install
9.  type /usr/local/bin/planner

worked :)

Since I keep Fink updated the whole thing took only about 30 minutes.


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