Re: [Planner] Some issues

On Wednesday 31 December 2003 04:41, Richard Hult wrote:
> > I have noticed a few problems not listed in the Roadmap.  It would be

> > 1. Extension.
 .mrp would remind everyone what we really want (gd&r)

> > 3. Resource overuse
> >
> > It would be nice to see a diagram of resource use.  Otherwise it is very
> > difficult to tell that resources are over committed.  (BTW, The planner
> > *should* allow overcommittment)

yes because it is easy to get a bad estimate
> > 4. Performance
> >
> > Adding/Deleting resources or tasks is very slow.  On a 700Mhz RH-9.0 the
> > pause is in single seconds range, just long enough to render the Planner
> > unusable for anything serious.  I do not know how fundamental this is,
> > but the program has no chance of acceptance if it persists.

Actually this prob can and must be bypassed - professional schedulars use a 
spreadsheet, a word processor (emacs), or a database to create batch entrys - 
the practice of 'fragnetting' involves templating common work activities and 
entering them either programatically or modifying them with some kind of 
search and replace to fit specific projects. if you use Means a fragnetting 
scheme can be implemented around the wbs and the crew data in the book. Those 
'other' programs allow cutting and pasting of groups of activities - what 
programming that takes boggles the mind. For a specific example if you have a 
building with 6 identical floors - you schedule one then paste it into your 
spreadsheet, copy it 4 times, global replace the floor identification, fill 
the activity numbers, and paste back the five floors. Another tip - allow all 
calcs and saves to be switched off during data entry (with an on-screen 
Registered Linux user #312657

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