Completion should be effort invested instead of percentage of duration

Currently progress of a task is tracked by setting a percentage. 

There are two problems with this approach:

1) Because it is a percentage of the duration and not of the work
associated with the task, the work done on the task would seem to vary
depending on how much non-working time there is between task start and

If the work required for a task is 4 mandays and it is 50% complete,
planning the task within one week will show 2 days are still left to be
done. Shifting the task to start on a friday, it will look like there 
are still 3 days left.

2) If the work associated with a task is increased (because it turns out
to be more work than originally planned), then the time spent on it will
seem to increase judging from the length of the completion bar.

What do you guys think?


P.S.: Is this list still the main list for development discussion? 
      It seems rather quiet.

Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Creator of BiteMe!       griffon26 kfk4ever com

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