Re: [Planner Dev] Dev suggestions

On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 16:50 +0100, Polar Finnish wrote:
> How do I plan an aircraft, 100 % available in may, but with the constraint 
> that I only have a certain amount of money for fuel.
> - The only way I found out was a post-it note and a brain (not always 
> available though).

I think the answer here would be to create a material resource 'Fuel',
with an associated cost per unit, and have a task 'Prepare Aircraft'
with 'Fuel' assigned to it, and set the number of units for Fuel to
however much is required to make the flight.  In theory the cost for the
fuel should then be calculated as part of the task cost, and then you
can include it in your budget.

Problem is it doesn't work.  It seems that Planner needs to be enhanced
so that any material resource calculates cost as units*cost/unit rather
than using the same calc that it uses for work resources.

> 2) Add the possibility to add finacial constraints on resources/tasks and 
> projects.

Using the above method of calculating a budget for the project I think
would work well for this purpose.
Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>

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