Re: [Planner Dev] Planner - Suggestion for Deliverable or Objective view.

Alvaro del Castillo wrote:


What I'm envisaging is that this "Objective View" would also be
the default view for Planner and that project managers input the

I'm thinking a table view,

|Deliverable | %Compl | Due Date | Work To Go | Bound To    | Resources  |
| Widget 1   |  15%   | 1 October|   15 Days  | 1.6.5, 2.5  | RH, LP, ACS|

With hotspots on the WBS and the Shortname that go to those

Any views on this from the Project Managers ?. I've raised a

In my main work I need to manage 7 persons, and usually I have 2 or 3
working projects for customers, and several internal projects.

When the week starts all the workers send a report about the results of
the last week so the first thing I need is an easy way for the workers
to send the update and integrate it in planner.

Thats the basis of my interest in the database and a web/Postnuke style
front end to Planner. Project teams could then use a nice web interface
from any browser (Windows/Linux/Mac/Palm etc)....,

The task view when the project is being done and the resource usage view
are the main views I need to manage the project in the every day work.

When I need to show the status to high managers, or to the customer, the
view you are proposing could be great for them, because it is an
executive summary of the project status, and when the week start, it is
also great for me to know exactly (from a manager point of view) where
we are.

Thats what I was after. Customers pay for results, though as project
managers we need to see the innner workings. The objective/deliverable
view was to show these results.

So I think the manager will finally select the view it prefers when
launch planner (we need to save the view she uses when quitting planner
so we can restore it), and I don't have clear that we have to use this
view as the main one.

Thats OK - it was just to get away from the gantt-centric way of
defining projects. Projects really should be defined around
deliverables or things you are going to get paid for.

The actual tasks and resources are whats planned and negotiated
within the project team.  We have a fine detail on the task and
resources but nothing on the actual reason the project exists
to start with ;)

But the view you are proposing Lincoln, it is something very needed. I
miss a cost field ;-)

I'll think about costs because its not as easy as showing
(working time x rates).  We should look at costs from the point of view of
the earned value discussion we had a few months back, Mark Durrenberger
had a paper on this,

I'd love it if we could incorporate the earned value calculations
with the Objective/Deliverable View - we would have a killer app
then (well at least in the very narrow Project world but given
billions are spent each year on various software and civil
projects globally there is still lot of opportunity to get some
of that :)

Allez Ciao,


and will add stuff as it evolves but I  think it addresses this
problem thats been bugging me on how to make Planner project-centric
as opposed to task-centric.


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