Re: [Planner Dev] Install Quirk

On fre, 2004-07-02 at 14:40 -0400, Charles Tryon wrote:
> I noticed a quirk in the build process a little while back, and finally
> figured out a workaround, but I thought I'd bring it up...
> I did a clean pull of Planner from CVS and rebuilt the application.  I'm
> working on an install of FC2, so I have to fudge the file to
> check for version 1.8 of automake, but once this is done, every thing
> *appears* to build correctly.  (I remember a long discussion on the 1.7
> requirement, but I don't remember the conclusion.)
> The trick is when I try to run "make install", I get an error looking
> for the script "mkinstalldirs".  If I create an empty, executable file,
> it actually tries to run it, and then installs normally.
> I haven't had a chance to dig into the scripts yet, but I *suspect* is
> either, since I've already installed once before, no new directories
> need to be created and the mkinstalldirs command isn't built, or it
> might be the fault of the 1.7/1.8 version difference in the automake
> program. :-/

Yeah, we need to fix this before 0.12. Apparently, gettext (iirc)
depends on that automake installs mkinstalldirs. Automake 1.8 stopped
doing that (mkinstalldirs was supposed to be a private thing for
automake) so we need to install our own mkinstalldirs or something like
that. If anyone knows the details, a patch would be appreciated.


Imendio HB,

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