Re: gtkperf regression and gtknotebook

Matthias Clasen wrote:
On 7/5/06, Padraig O'Briain <Padraig Obriain sun com> wrote:

I am not sure that cairo has anything to do with it; XRenderComposite is
being called from draw_with_pixmaps in gdk/x11/gdkdrawable-x11.c.

Since I sent the original mail, I have noticed,when using gtk 2.8, a
call to gtk_paint_flat_box
with what looks like an abnormally large value for width. I need to
follup up that lead.

Any news on this, Padraig ?
Not yet.

I have noted some differences between gtk 2.4 and gtk 2.8 but I have no evidence that they have anything to do with the time difference between gtk 2.4 and gtk 2.8.

The differences I have seen are:

1) Size allocations for some widgets are slightly different; i.e. differ by 1 or 2 and seems to be pango related.

2) The widgets in GtkComboBoxEntry have changed ; see gtkcombobox version 1.168 and gtkcomboboxentry version 1.16.

3) Implementation of gdk_window_invalidate_maybe_recurse has changed in gdkwindow version 1.170.

3) GtkStatusBar changed in version 1.46 of gtkstatusbar.c.


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