Nautilus performance

After that interesting user debate about getting more polish on GNOME:

I remembered the performance love should continue, and I really think the app the more in need of it is nautilus. (Almost) everyone uses it, and having it be faster would please everyone...

That makes me jump into bug 320282 once more...

Did some new profiling with the CVS HEAD version, but my sysprof knowledge is still low, because getting the numbers is easy, but interpreting them is the *tricky* part. So any feedback or advice about if my understanding of the latest sysprof trace is welcome.

I think the "is_needy" function is one to blame, but I don't know if it's the *main* problem, which is difficult to see in this kind of analysis.

We gotta give more love to this damned app ! :-p
Maybe a nautilus love day ?

Thanks in advance for any advice you could give me.

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