Re: CORBA::ORBit-0.4.3 + ORBit-0.5.7

David Starks-Browning (2001-03-28 16:02:49 +0100) :

> Is CORBA::ORBit-0.4.3 expected to work with ORBit-0.5.7?

I don't know if it's expected to work, but I do expect it to work
(since I use it for a real-job project), and it has always worked with
me so far.  Here's what I have on my Debian systems:

$ dpkg -s libcorba-orbit-perl orbit perl | grep 'Package:\|Version:'
Package: libcorba-orbit-perl
Version: 0.4.3-2
Package: orbit
Version: 0.5.7-1
Package: perl
Version: 5.6.0-20
Roland Mas

Qu'est-ce qui est jaune, qui pèse deux cents kilos et qui chante ?
Un sumotori dans sa salle de bains.

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