Re: mailman list manager has a misconfiguration.

Quoting Gene Heskett <gene heskett verizon net>:

Non-broken?? People can use whatever bloody mailer they like, or they
can just not use this list. Currently the latter seems to be the
favoured solution. Stop being such a prat and fix the damned list.

I'm not really going to do anything to "fix" the list, since "fixing" it
means breaking it for a bunch of other people, AFAUI.


Thats precisely the point Dan, this list appears to be the only broken one to a whole lot of people.

Um, and this list is behaving exactly right to a whole lot more.
Listen, the list forcing a reply-to is just wrong on so many levels.
It gives the sender very little control over where messages get
sent back to, and it makes it much harder for people to INTENTIONALLY send
off-list replies.  It makes it impossible for a sender to specify an
alternate address for personal replies, because the list will overwrite
anything the sender might have made.

Most modern mailers deal with duplicates just fine, and provide a means
for the user to reply to the sender, to the list, or to everybody.
If your particular mailer doesn't provide that functionality, why make
it more painful for those of us whose mailers work fine?

This list is NOT the only one configured this way.  Indeed, MOST of the
lists I'm on are configured this way (and ALL the lists I manage/maintain
are configured this way).  Just because mailman provides this feature
does not imply that it should be used.  You can take a gun and point it
at your face and pull the trigger, but just because you CAN do that
doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.  The same thing with this mailman "feature".

Dan owns this list.  Dan has spoken.  This topic should get dropped before
Dan gets upset and starts banning people.

Have a nice day.


      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
      URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
      warlord MIT EDU                        PGP key available

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