zd1211 chipset support?

Using a ppc and the latest zd1211 svn snapshot from http://zd1211.ath.cx/zd1211:

In FC4 (with latest updates): NM doesn't seem to recognize my zd1211 based usb adapter (wlan0). I can connect to wireless networks using iwconfig though, and iwlist wlan0 scanning shows the correct output.

In Ubuntu Dapper Drake: NM (version 0.4.1+cvs20050817 from the universe repository) shows the adapter as a wired adapter. So, if I set wireless parameters with iwconfig NM does the rest. I could build and install the latest 0.5.1 NM snapshot, but nm-applet wouldn't start (don't remember the exact message it complained with) so I couldn't test a recent version.

Do these issues and inconsistencies stem from problems with the zd1211 driver or NM?


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