Re: "Repair" function

Quoting Peter Jones <pjones redhat com>:

> On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 11:30 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > No, there's no wireless authentication at MIT.  The only "authentication"
> is
> > done at the DHCP level, not at the 802.11 level.
> I don't spend much time on campus, so I could be wrong, but AFAICT, they
> put you on a different network based on if you've authenticated (on
> their web form) using an IP that was requested with your card's MAC
> address.

Yes, but that's done by the DHCP server, not at the 802.11 level ;)

> > tcpdump wont help.  The problem is that MIT uses the same SSID in all
> > buildings even though each building uses a different subnet.  So, when
> > you change buildings you have to re-run the DHCP process to get a new,
> > valid IP address on the new subnet.
> Well, that's a pretty broken setup.  But that aside, just clicking on
> the network in the menu again should cause NM to request a new lease.

*shrugs*  I can't defend their choice, but it makes sense if the standard usage
is a quazi-static location.  MIT doesn't support mobility, per se, so to move
from one location to another you need to re-run DHCP.  Most OSes rerun DHCP on
"resume", but NM does seem to have a particular problem recovering from
suspend/resume (is there some synchronous signal you can run to force NM into
suspend mode?  dbus-send'ing the sleep call isn't synchronous).

But you're right -- just re-clicking the network would work.. BUT it would be
nice to have better 'scripting' support for suspend/resume to force a new
network discovery and re-running DHCP even if the lease is still valid and the
SSID hasn't changed.

> -- 
>         Peter


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord MIT EDU                        PGP key available

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