Re: non-branded icons

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 17:59 +0100, Jakub Steiner wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Currently the Network Manager applet ships with Bluecurve branded icons.
> I have created a set that follows the Tango style guidelines, which aims
> to be fairly generic, desktop platform independent. 

Hmm?  They weren't designed specifically for Bluecurve, but given most
GNOME themes Diana thought the blue color looked best against their
background (which other colors likely wouldn't).  It's also why they are
are in /usr/share/icons/hicolor rather than /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve.
I'd think of them more like a default set that users and/or
distributions can override to suit, not unlike the built-in last-resort
GTK widget theme.

In any case, the applet should respect current GTK theme, if icons for
that theme are provided.  If not, that's a bug that needs to get

How does alternate icon packaging usually work?  Do we need to
restructure some things in order to work better with alternate icon
themes for the applet?  We need at least some default icons, but I'm
unsure how people solve this problem for other apps like
gnome-power-manager or stuff in gnome-applets.  Suggestions?

Icons look great in any case :)


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