[Muine] TagLib

Today, Todd Berman mentioned Cowbell [http://more-cowbell.org/], a tag
editor which looks really nice (I don't have access to my computer
right now but I'll try it at my first chance). This uses Clemens
Koppensteiner's C# wrapper of TagLib
[http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.html]. For those of you in
the dark, TagLib is an ID3/Ogg/Flac/etc. tag reader and writer. I
missed it because it is developed in the context of KDE but it is an
independent library. Koppensteiner's wrappers aren't really
maintained, it looks like he just released it a year ago on his blog
and that was it (I haven't looked to see if the code included with
Cowbell differs from the original wrappers -- I would assume so, since
things have change in Mono in the last year).

The wrapping for TagLib becomes somewhat difficult because TagLib is
written in C++. C# support for C is great and we use that a lot but
C++ is more complicated and (in my understanding) requires the use of
a managed C++ library to sit between the C# and C++. TagLib does
provide a C API but it is more basic than the C++ interface (I haven't
really gotten a chance to compare them) -- Koppensteiner's code only
wraps the simpler C API, which will probably be sufficient for our

TagLib claims it's much faster than either id3lib and libvorbisfile
(which we use). As cleaning C code out of Muine is one of my main
priorities, I propose that we should look into replacing existing
dependencies on id3lib and libvorbisfile with TagLib.

Any comments?

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