Re: [Muine] A few suggestions

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 22:33 +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> On R, 2005-02-18 at 17:20 +0100, Lars Weber wrote:
> > While it's not common for users to hit play twice I think it's quite
> > common for them to want to start playing something and to then to select
> > other items to play later (using "Queue").
> The main reason why the behaviour is as it is, is because many people
> (including myself) often just want to play something, hit 's', type a
> part of the name of the song and hit return. But then again, one could
> argue the same thing for queueing, so I guess I'll give in and change
> the behaviour.

Yes, I've debated about this behavior some myself, since I can identify
with both situations.  I like being able to open the "Play Album"
window, scroll through and double-click something and it starts playing
and closes.  However there are times I'd like to play an album
immediately and then enqueue several more albums.  Based on my own usage
though, the general time I find myself in the second situation is when
the player isn't already playing (e.g. my playlist is empty, or I've
reached the end).  A sort of compromise solution that would seem to work
nicely based on my own behavior would be to keep Play as it is and close
the dialog, but if you hit Queue[1] when the player is stopped it would
start playing without closing the dialog so you could continue to add
other albums to the playlist.

Matthew Good <muine matt-good net>

[1] Technically I think that this should be Enqueue since Queue is a
noun, not a verb, but whatever ;)

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