Re: meld on fedora core 4

Jack Tanner wrote:

Alexey Rusakov <ktirf <at>> writes:

Meld _does_ work with gnome-python-extras, didn't you check? :)

You mean meld in CVS? meld-0.9.6-1, which is what's in Fedora Extras right now,
gives me the "I want pysourceview" message.
Either you do not have python gtksourceview package installed (don't know how it is called in FC), or it might be a packaging problem. I use another distribution (ALTLinux), and I have python-modules-pygnome-gtksourceview package, that corresponds to pygtksourceview. Does "python -c 'import gtksourceview'" work at your machine?

 Alexey "Ktirf" Rusakov

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