Re: Target markets for GNOME

Maybe we should focus also on the "already done" phase, that others did
without waiting for us. I mean, why not simply considering "target
markets" the markets that are already using GNOME and take care of them?

I'm talking mainly about students and teachers, two of the
unquestionable main GNOME user profiles. I'm also talking about
employees of the public administration, corporations and any big
organisation. See:

Satisfying students, teachers, bureaucrats and employees (after
convincing decision-makers)

Sometimes I wonder if our best marketing strategy should not simply be a
good an efficient customer care targeted to the current hundreds of
thousands of GNOME users. If they are happy with GNOME... who is going
to stop us? If these profiles working already with GNOME install a GNOME
based distro at home and invite their friends to join them... what
marketing strategy more powerful than this can we plan and design?

En/na Sriram Ramkrishna ha escrit:
> we really should be in the "just do it" phase.

Quim Gil -

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