Re: using blogs as measure of "buzz"

On 12/4/05, Sri Ramkrishna <sri aracnet com> wrote:
> It seems to me that we aren't using blogs to good advantage.  A lot of
> them have a talk back feature based on subject.(so I understand)  It
> would be cool to be able to record when someone talks about GNOME in
> their blog and have some kind of hit counter to know how well known our
> brand is.
> It's a great measure on knowing how well are marketing going.  It can
> also be used to guage interest in certain conferences that GNOME will be
> at.
> I do not know how easy it's implement such a thing or getting word out
> to use GNOME as a talkback subject.

I blog quite a lot but am not aware of what you are mentioning. It
would be nice if someone wrote a small "how to" on marketing GNOME via


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