Re: GNOME GUADEC Slides...

<quote who="The Face of Sun Microsystems">

> I rooted through my home folder today and found the slides/whitepapers
> that were submitted as part of last year's GUADEC. I guess these can go
> online as well - we've already got clearance for a freedom of use for
> these, since they were originally supposed to be part of a conference
> proceedings.

Awesome! I'll start fixing these up tonight.

> I'd also like to see the GUADEC 4 audio recordings [1] being relocated
> from
> to fit in with the new structure.

Sweet, will do.

- Jeff

GVADEC 2004: Kristiansand, Norway          
   It makes perfect sense. If you're a narcissistic arsehole spawned from
                            a curdled gene pool.

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