Re: [jokosher-devel] art folder system (trin / oscar)

trin / oscar wrote:
dan itsawisechild com wrote:
I think it looks great, just wondering if we should add an "other" folder, for works in progress etc? or should we be keeping our unfinished icons etc. in the proper folder?

also, for quick questions etc. i'm on google talk dnawara -at- gmail -dot- com whenever i'm online. feel free to add me.. (i can give you msn or jabber as well)

maybe we could all get together on IM or IRC and have an art group chat soon.

jokosher-devel-list mailing list
jokosher-devel-list gnome org

I agree, we should have a meeting, I'm going away on Saturday to a Swedish isle called Gotland, I'm gonna have internet acces but i won't use it very much (since i'm on vacation) so if we are gonna have a meeting during next week we need to decide a date before Saturday :P

maybe we should decide how to have the meeting, i can think of three ways;
    *Teamspeak / Skype <- i would prefer this, what do you think :P
Seems this arrived a bit late to my inbox, but IRC sounds best to me.
- Andreas

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