[HIG] Exit confirmation

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 02:58:49PM -0800, Seth Nickell wrote:
> > In related news.  I quickly tried a few GNOME2 programs today and the
> > first two games I run already had inconsistent exit dialogsē.  Funny
> > coincidence? :)
> If you'd like to file bugs, that would be really really wonderful. Those
> dialogues should probably have buttons like:
> "     [Cancel] [Exit]"

Been there, done that, got the bug id:


As it turned out, the inconsistencies didn't end there.  Some games
never asked confirmation, others always, and the rest only if there is a
game in progress...

Now, as I see it, the idea with the exit confirmation dialog is that the
user has the last chance to avoid losing his work or data, which in this
case means his best game of tetris ever.  But if there is no data to be
lost, is there any reason to ask for confirmation?  If not, should the
guidelines recommend against such confirmations?

Tommi Komulainen                                 Tommi Komulainen iki fi
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