Here's a bunch of points about the current state of the HIG (trying
not to repeat things that others have already explained adequately).

1 Introduction

"Everyone saves when they can expect pressing the "Enter" key to have
a consistent effect in all dialogues (what effect that will be is
still in contention, but its more important that there be a convention
than that a particular convention is chosen)."

Minor niggle: The convention should be decided upon by the time GNOME2
(and this document) is released.

2.3 Toolbars

Do we really want to be showing toolbars that don't comply with the
HIG? If we're going to illustrate different toolbar styles, we should
probably do so by making up examples that fit the HIG.

2.3.3 Controlling Display and Appearance of Toolbars

"However, if your application uses toolbars, allow the user to
over-ride these defaults for your particular application by adding the
following functions to the View menu."

s/allow/you may allow/

The mechanisms suggested here are not sufficient. In addition to
switching between text, icons and both, there needs to be an option to
use the system default.

It's also conceivable that in an application that supports multiple
toolbars, people would want to set the appearance for each toolbar
individually. I don't know whether we want to Menus and Toolbars >
Toolbars > deal with this possibility.

3.1.3 Dialog box behaviour

"... the presence of only a button marked "Close" would imply that
changes were applied immediately."

I'm not sure that I agree with this anymore. It doesn't reflect the
discussion we had on usability@ about instant-apply dialogs. Unless
someone comes up with some new ideas, I think we have two choices on

  1. Leave it as it is.

  2. Change it so that we have a new class of instant-apply windows,
     probably marked by the absence of a row of dialog buttons.

I'll abide by a reasonably democratic decision on this.

8.1.3 Standard Application Shortcuts and Mnemonics

Do we want to have the information about standard shortcuts and
mnemonics repeated in both the Menus and the Keyboard Interaction

Calum is suggesting standardised View, Bookmarks and Format menus. I'm
rather wary of adding these to the standard menus list -- I'm not sure
they're standard enough.

Regarding the clash between Ctrl-R for Replace or Reload: With my
habits, optimising for the common case gives me Ctrl-R for Replace and
something else for Reload if we decide that they need to be different.


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