gyrus-connection added to HEAD

Hi all,

During the last time, Mario Fuentes has been working on the
implementation of a secure connection client interface for gyrus. This
implementation is based on gnutls and also in gnet, as it will allow
users to use plain connections, in the same way gyrus has been working
until now. Also, the implementation it is designed to work in a separate
thread, so gyrus won't block again while large amount of data is
retrieved from a server.

The code is still very immature, and it doesn't work (properly) with
secure connections. I have to be honest and say that I haven't looked
in-depth the code myself, but have given priority to have it published
as soon as possible, so the interested community can take a look at it
and give its suggestions, and also we can follow the development through

The source code is in the files src/gyrus-connection.{c,h}, and
currently it can only be tested with a little telnet style program
included under the directory tests, called gyrus-talk.

You will need to download gyrus from CVS HEAD in order to test the code.
A normal built of the package should compile the test program. Please
tell us if something goes wrong in the building phase, as there are a
few of changes on the autotools code for the project.

As soon as we can have a gyrus-connection module that *just works* with
SSL, we will branch gyrus to start migrating the old plain connections
to the new module. So, if you're interested in having a tool like gyrus
that works also in a secure way, help us in any way you think you can.

Filling bugs, sending patches, and keeping this discussion open in the
mailing list would be very appreciated.

So, the changes are resumed as follow:

Added files:

    src/gyrus-connection.o needs src/gyrus-marshal.{c,h}, that are
    generated from gyrus-marshal.list in compilation time.

    tests/gyrus-talk needs src/gyrus-connection.o and
  * gyrus program has no changes. The connections system is still the 
    same, i.e., it uses libgnet and plain connections.
  * the only way to test the code in gyrus-connection is playing with
  * As i'm not a autotools guru, the new`s are not perfect.
    Any suggestion to improve them and/or bug reports about it are
  * It should be noted that gyrus now depends on gnutls. The 
    development package is needed in order to build gyrus.



Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>

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