[guadec-list] GUADEC7 needs you

CATALAN SUMMARY: si vols col·laborar amb la GUADEC7 ara és un bon moment
per a fer una declaració d'intencions. Hi ha una sèrie d'activitats
locals previstes i calen mans: http://live.gnome.org/LocalWorkshops

SPANISH SUMMARY: si quieres colaborar con la GUADEC7 ahora es un buen
momento para hacer una declaración de intenciones. La GNOME Hispano se
celebrará conjuntamente y faltan manos.


Hopefully in few days we will have a website up and running for the
GUACEC7. This will be the official starting point of the planning and
development of the next GNOME big meeting.

We need to know who wants to be involved in the organisation, with names
and possible roles and levels of involvement.

As for today the list of people officially involved is quite short:


Hopefully there is a lot of people missing!  :)  Please fill your name
and role wherever you think it's appopriate. In case of hesitation do
not hesitate to send your comments here.

Forwardings and bloggings about this subject are welcome.

Quim Gil      http://interactors.coop | http://desdeamericaconamor.org

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