When does Glade/glademm update old gtkmm-2.2 code?

This is not a critical question for me (just yet) but I am curious. I started this archive project 30 months ago on an (even then) archaic RH 7.3 system and Glade-2.0 with gtkmm-2.2. It naturally generated gtkmm-2.2 code e.g. Gtk::Combo rather than Gtk::ComboBox.

I recently moved my development to CentOS-4.2 whereupon the natives are Glade-2.6.0, glade-- 2.6.0, and gtkmm-2.4. Inside /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/ there are both combo.h and combobox.h (and comboboxentry.h, comboboxentrytext.h, and comboboxtext.h). In the Glade 2.6.0 Palette under "GTK+ Basic" are ComboBox and ComboBoxEntry widgets, whilst my old Combo widget may yet be found under "Deprecated."

Even after numerous UI tweaks and code regenerations, my dotglade file is still populated with GtkCombo references (e.g. <widget class="GtkCombo" id="DiskVolumeCombo">), my Glade/glademm generated parent class headers (Main_glade.hh, etc) still have all the old Gtk::Combo declarations, everything still compiles, and it all still pretty much Just Works.

I.e., it appears Glade-2.6.0 parses my dotglade file, recognizes my Gtk::Combo boxes for what they are, and doesn't change them. Which is exactly what I want for now, until I know for certain I really won't have to back-port to Red Hat 7.3: any additional Combo boxes (none anticipated) I might need I can grab from off the "Deprecated" palette, and as long as I don't want anything really fancy, I'm okay.

But this archive app might be around for awhile, and someday in the far distant future the now-deprecated Gtk::Combo might really go away, or I might for some other reason (functionality? general code clean-up? who knows...) wish to change Gtk::Combo to Gtk::ComboBox. My current imagination tells me that then I will have to (a) delete my current Gtk::Combo entries from the Glade UI builder and (b) replace them with Gtk::ComboBoxes or Gtk::ComboBoxEntries with the same names and signal handler names. Then (c) regenerate, recompile, and (d) go to the gtkmm-2.4 documentation and sort out any trivial differences that might arise between whatever Gtk::Combo class methods I'm using now and whatever Gtk::ComboBox might use in their stead. (Not necessarily in that order...)

Has anyone else been there? Is there something I'm missing, or an easier way to go about replacing deprecated gtkmm-2.2isms?

Again, nothing pressingly urgent or critical, just trying to plan in advance...

(Okay, okay, contain yourselves. It wasn't *that* funny.)

Ed Leaver

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