Notebook and another container (ScrolledWindow)

I'm adding Widgets to a Notebook and getting a little puzzled.

I'm doing this all in a for loop with index i: 

Gtk::Widget* html = Glib::wrap(gtk_html_new());

... some stuff to the html ...

Gtk::ScrolledWindow scroll;

panes_.insert_page(scroll,tab_label[i], menu_label[i], i); 

Then pack the panes_ into a VBox in my top level window and nothing
shows up. . . but if I skip the ScrollWindow and just do

panes_.insert_page(html,tab_label[i], menu_label[i], i); 
or just pack the scroll in the VBox then html widget shows up.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or why packing the ScrollWindow into the
Notebook is screwing me up?


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