Re: Handling Unix signals?

Paul Davis wrote:

What exactly would those problems be? I found some comments in earlier list posts, but they left me none the wiser...

it depends mostly on whether you are using threads, and on which
signals you are trying to handle.
Yeah, I wondered if the problems were (just) thread-related. No, I'm not using threads. The signal is just something sent by another ("shell") application or possibly triggered by the users. I've implemented a sort of poor-man's interprocess communication (because the complexity of real IPC is probably too great compared to the benefits in this particular case) via config file updates and the HUP signal; SIGHUP is simply interpreted as meaning "please reread your config files", just like it is for some of the traditional Unix/Linux server processes. (Actually, I've been thinking about using FAM instead, but that's a different discussion entirely. And maybe I'd have to address these signalling issues in that case, too.)

- Toralf

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