Re: hide() show() make my program ends

cyril ponsan wrote:

I just tried this :

   Gtk::MessageDialog dialog2(NULL, "\nUne erreur est survenue.");

and i received this on the terminal :

glibmm-ERROR **:
unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
what: attempt to create string with null pointer


sigh ...

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Ok Cyril,

My little "pass the Gtk::MessageDialog constructor a NULL pointer for parent window" idea was bad all around: The reason you got the NULL string exception is that there are a couple of overloaded constructors for MessageDialog and using NULL as the first parameter called the one that was expecting a Glib::ustring as its first parameter and a boolean variable as the second. Hence the exception. However, when I created a Gtk::Window pointer and set that pointer equal to NULL and passed it to the constructor this way:

Gtk::Window *dummy = NULL
Gtk::MessageDialog dialog2(*dummy,"Test string");

The program still seg faults... so I'm as big a dummy as my pointer.

There does not appear to be a way to do this trick (Gtk::MessageDialog visible, parent window invisible) so far as I can see. If I iconify() the parent window before calling the function, both windows end up iconified... so I'm stuck just like you.


Bob Caryl

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