Re: pkgconfig filename

Hi sebastien.charlois,

> Try 'pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4' with gtkmm2.6.

It's exactly what I do, but in this way I'm not able to understand if
I'm using gtkmm 2.4 or 2.6.

For example, I used in my app the Gtk::AboutDialog, which is a 2.6
feature, but in other machines with gtkmm 2.4 it didn't compile, and I
had to add a little #ifdef .. #endif.

Is there a way to distinguish between gtkmm 2.4 and 2.6 at compile time?

[ Andrea Spadaccini - a.k.a. Lupino/Lupin85 - Catania - ICQ#: 91528290 ]
[ GPG ID: 5D41ABF0 - key @ - Slackware 10.1 w/Linux 2.4.22 ]
[ Linux User # 313388 - MAIL: a.spadaccini(at)catania(dot)linux(dot)it ]

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