RE: automake

This looks really interesting!

I've often said that autotools were a major stumbling block for would-be
Gnome developers (I'm sure I'm not unique in that). They are really
difficult to use, especially when you are used to environments like MSVC and
Delphi (i.e. most Students/Grads). That said, it was only a matter of time
before me moaning was met with "well, go write something better then".
Autotools are better than nothing.

So, I'm sort of surprised that nobody on #gnome pointed me towards this
project, but never mind, what is the consensus about this in the community?
Perhaps off topic, but I'd like to hear what Murray and other people heavily
involved in the Gnome project thought about this. I hope non of the above
sounds like moaning, just interested like, this could be quite revolutionary
after all if it is really good - for example, would the simplified project
structure make the challenge facing the Scaffold IDE project a little less

Cheers all!


-----Original Message-----
From: gtkmm-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:gtkmm-list-bounces gnome org] On
Behalf Of Roel Vanhout
Sent: 21 January 2005 12:44
To: Antonio Coralles
Cc: gtkmm-list gnome org
Subject: Re: automake

If I were you I'd dump the whole make/auto* stuff and go with scons 
( A lot better for one's mental health. It's not 
'standard' in the Gnome world (yet) but for example Blender uses it. A 
lot easier if you want to develop cross-platform, as well.



Antonio Coralles wrote:
> Andreas Pokorny wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 02:22:21AM +0100, Antonio Coralles 
>> <noche suapie reflex at <mailto:>> wrote:
>>> I know that this question doesn't really belong to this mailing list,
>>> but i don't know where to ask instead....
>>> Can somebody tell me whats wrong with this
>>> LDADD = -lboost_date_time -lsqlite
>> That wont work properly, you should let configure figure out the proper
>> linker flags for boost and sqlite. For boost you could use that m4
>> macro:
> Thanks, I'll try that when the moment the rest is working.
>> Also have a look at Murrays autotools tutorials
> Yes, I read that tutorials which are great. But the problem is that I 
> used simple makefiles in my project till now [I started last august], so 
> the directory structure is not really optimal for automake because the 
> directories depend on each other. At first I tried to make static 
> archives in every subdirectory - like Murray suggests in his tutorial. 
> But this resulted in undefined referneces from the linker which partly 
> vanished when I changed the order in which the libs are linked into an 
> executable. This lead me to the assumption [which is propably wrong] 
> that static archives should not contain undefined references. Maybe I 
> should eaven reorganize my code into independent peaces which can be put 
> into a tempory library without problems - but that would be some work, 
> as all the include statements have to be changed than ...
>> In your position I would create the Makefiles in the subdirectories
>> like shared and utility. So this would degenerate into a 
>> simple:
>> SUBDIRS=shared utility ....
>>> S_SHARED = shared/timePeriod.hpp shared/
>>> shared/calendar.hpp shared/ \
>>>           shared/mem.hpp shared/shiftMemory.hpp shared/copiedPtr.hpp
>>> shared/constants.hpp \
>>>           shared/shared.hpp
>> [...]
>>> utility/ \
>>>                  shared/tMem.hpp shared/ shared/
>> You should not put header files into source variables.
>> If the source is shared you should consider building static archives
>> that contains all shared stuff, or a complete library. Keep it simple
>> and small!
> "shared" is just a bad directory name; It means that the classes which 
> live in this dir are the most basic and commonly used in my app - but 
> you are right - static archives would be a good idea [but look above].
>>> Sorry for misusing this mailinglist,
>> In my opinion you only missued your I could not track your
>> problem, that file is just too huge
> I guess you are right - just started working with autotools yesterday 
> .... The main reason for that is, besides from the fact that my hand 
> written makefiles are somtimes hard to mantain, that I want to put my 
> prog under the GPL and host it on sourceforge. But before doing so I 
> want to meet at least some standards ...
>> Regards,
>> Andreas Pokorny
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