Re: custom widget


After seeing that the custom widget sample in the source tarball just
doesn't work, I checked out the gtkmm CVS, and took a look at the same
sample there. as you can see from the attached image, now the sample app
actually shows something - but it draws itself unto its parent window,
not unto 'itself'. this is probably due to the following code change in

//    m_refGdkWindow = Gdk::Window::create(get_window() /* parent */,
//                       &attributes,
//                       GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y);

    m_refGdkWindow = get_window();

where, aperantly get_window() returns the parent window.

where to go from here? how could one successfully create a window for
the custom widget, and draw into it?


I submitted a patch for this yesterday, it now draws on it's own Gdk::Window. (see Bug 164007)


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