Re: Gtk::Stock::CLOSE

Hey Jamiil,

Ok... here's your code:

Gtk::Button *btnHelp = manage (new Gtk::Button(Gtk::StockID::HELP)); //
this is your help button
Gtk::Button *btnClose = manage (new Gtk::Button(Gtk::StockID::CLOSE));
// this is your close button.

I'm assuming you're creating these buttons in a class derived from
something else like Gtk::Window. You should not need any of the other
calls you're making.


P.S. For my part, your apology was not necessary. :)

Jamiil wrote:

> Yes, reading the message I realize that the point of the message is
> bit illusive. However, you were conning enough to realize my true
> intentions, laudable.
> I have also realize that my initial intention was not to include my
> own file as the picture to be displayed in the button, but the default
> graphics or ‘stockbutton’ provided by Gtk+/mm, but while tinkering
> with the code I got all messed up and lost my trail of thoughts;
> adding a line of code that would clearly change the course of my
> intentions i.e.
> ‘btnHelp->add_pixlabel("/icons/Question001.gif","_Help");’
> Now, that I have apologized, (in my own way) I would like to post the
> question once again, based on the same code:
> btnHelp->set_use_underline(true);
> btnHelp->set_focus_on_click(true);
> btnHelp->set_use_stock(true);
> btnHelp->set_label("Question");
> btnHelp->add_pixlabel(_Help");
> What am I missing? How could I make the button display its
> corresponding stockbutton.
> Again, thanks so much, not only to B.Hakvoort and Bob Caryl, but also
> to everyone involved in the solution to this problem.
> B.Hakvoort escribió:
>>afaik a 'stockbutton' will contain an image and a caption...
>>If i read his message (which is a bit vague imho ;) ) correctly, he
>>wants buttons for closing and help containing the icon and the text.
>>This is exactly what a 'stockbutton' will give you.
>>On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 07:10 -0600, Bob Caryl wrote:
>>>If you look at his code, he doesn't want to create a button from a stock
>>>item.. .he wants a caption AND an image on the button.
>>>B.Hakvoort wrote:
>>>>maybe i'm getting you wrong, but creating a button from a stockitem is
>>>>very easy. Take a look at :
>>>>good luck,
>>>>On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 12:32 -0500, Jamiil wrote:
>>>>>I hope someone here will be able to help me.
>>>>>I have a program with two buttons; the buttons are supposed to display 
>>>>>its correspoding icon for closing or help. Neither of the buttons 
>>>>>display its corresponding icons, and although the porgram compiles I get 
>>>>>the following message:
>>>>>Info: resolving Gtk::Stock::CLOSE by linking to 
>>>>>__imp___ZN3Gtk5Stock5CLOSEE (auto-import)
>>>>>Info: resolving Gtk::Stock::HELP by linking to 
>>>>>__imp___ZN3Gtk5Stock4HELPE (auto-import)
>>>>>Execution terminated
>>>>>Compilation successful
>>>>>This are the variables for the help button:
>>>>>btnHelp->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Jaime::UnderDev) );
>>>>>Any body?
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>* Es increíble como la diminuta semilla de desconfianza y malentendido puede producir una bonanza de odio y muerte.
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>Ma'assalama! Adiós!  bye!

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