Re: Gtk::TreeView: Custom cellrenderer for single cells

Daniel J. Lauk wrote:

Hi list,

Is there a possibility to change the cell renderer for single cells only (instead
of applying it to a whole column) or do I have to put this "intelligence" into
the cellrenderer and take care of it there?

Well, there are several posibilities for doing this.
For example, you can insert into a cell several cellrenderers and make
them being enabled and visible depending on boolean values in other hidden
(service) columns.
Or you can catch an on_button_pressed event for a treeview and change
cellerenderer settings in accordance with a level of a branch in that tree -
I fill the dropdown list of a Combo_Cellrenderer with diferent names or
change the range and step settings of a SpinButton_Cellrenderer. That works
for every cell individually.
   Igor Gorbounov

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