[gtkmm] [gtkglmm] Cannot set pixel format for a Gdk::GL::Pixmap?

Hi all,

I recently restarted the development of an OpenGL-enabled gtkmm application of mine on my upgraded computer; however, I cannot run the application due to the following errors:

GdkGLExt-WARNING **: cannot set pixel format
GdkGLExt-WARNING **: cannotcreate GdkGLPixmap

these error messages occur upon calling the following function from the configure method of a Gtk::GL::DrawingArea:

class MyDrawingArea : public Gtk::GL::DrawingArea
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Pixmap>  GLbuffer;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Config>  GLconfig;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> buffer;

bool MyDrawingArea ::configure(GdkEventConfigure* event)
GLbuffer = Gdk::GL::Pixmap::set_gl_capability(buffer, GLconfig); //it is this line that causes the error.

Needless to say, it was working before. (Isn't that always the way for novice programmers?) Also, the example applications provided with the gtkglextmm packages work properly.

Of course, any help will be appreciated.

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