Re[2]: [gtkmm] Drop down menu from a tollbar item?

Thanks for the help Christian. I managed to get my hands on the toggle
button widget created by the ToggleElem. Using that plus some of your
ideas, I managed to create a drop down menu from a toolbar button.
It's all hacked together in a scratch file right now. After I get it
cleaned up and, hopefully, in the form of a "DropMenuElem" or
whatever, I'll post the class to the list!

I think this is a miss by the Gtk planners. I think it'll be good to
get a working version of this available to the masses.


PS To whoever's listening, I'd like Gtk to produce some sort of
activity when the mouse rolls over MenuBar items (like MS, Qt, Mozilla
widgets, etc). I don't have the energy to get caught up in Gtk
development, but if anyone else does, please take the time to lobby if
you feel the same. Hell, I guess I could replace my MenuBars with my
drop-down-menu capable ToolBar if I felt strongly enough about it :).

Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 5:04:36 AM, you ranted:

>> As nasty as it is, I suppose I could pull all that off *IF* I only new
>> where to place the popup menu.  I'm not sure how to get the lower left
>> coordinates of the toggle button. I don't want the menu popping up at
>> the mouse pointer. I tried reading the gedit source, but couldn't find
>> the code that builds the toolbar.<br>

ktb> I dont't know any way to inherit drop-down behavior from Gtk::Menu, although
ktb> I'm interested in it.

ktb> But I know how to position a window up to a button. This piece of code move a
ktb>  Gtk::Window (ffchoice) up to a button (font_b). If there is not enough place
ktb> up to the button, it is placed down to it.

ktb>     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> choicewin = ffchoice->get_window();
ktb>     int cw, ch;
ktb>     choicewin->get_size(cw, ch);

ktb>     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> mywin = font_b->get_window();
ktb>     int wx, wy;
ktb>     mywin->get_origin(wx, wy);

ktb>     GtkAllocation alloc = font_b->get_allocation();
ktb>     int myx, myy, myw, myh;
ktb>     myx = alloc.x + wx;
ktb>     myy = alloc.y + wy;
ktb>     myw = alloc.width;
ktb>     myh = alloc.height;

ktb>     int x = myx + myw - cw;
ktb>     int y = myy - ch;
ktb>     if (y < 0) y = myy + myh;
ktb>     choicewin->move(x, y);
ktb>     ffchoice->show_now();

ktb> Hope this helps

ktb> Christian Van Brusssel

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