[gtkmm] Problem with Gdk::Pixbuf in Gtk::TreeView

Hi there!

I have problems settung up a Gtk::TreeView with a column that can
display a Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Pixbuf>.

On execution of my code the following error message appears for each
row I insert into my Gtk::ListStore:

(simfm:2255): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: unable to set property `text' of
type `gchararray' from value of type `GdkPixbuf'

The Gtk::TreeView is OK in my application but I miss the pixbufs.

Here is the class for the Gtk::TreeModelColumns (ColumnRecord):


class cFileListColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
    cFileListColumns (void)
        add(this->icon);    add(this->filename);
        add(this->size);    add(this->uid);
        add(this->gid);     add(this->inode);
        add(this->blocks);  add(this->hlink);
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> > icon;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> filename;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> size;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> uid;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> gid;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> inode;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> blocks;
    Gtk::TreeModelColumn<unsigned int> hlink;


One of the columns has the Pixbuf, the "icon" column.

Here comes the code that creates the columns in the Gtk::TreeView


cFileList::create_columns (void)
  /* FIXME: This relation causes errors */
  this->tree_view.append_column ("Icon", this->column_set.icon);
  /* This works. */
  this->tree_view.append_column ("Filename", this->column_set.filename);
  this->tree_view.append_column ("Size", this->column_set.size);
  this->tree_view.append_column ("UID", this->column_set.uid);
  this->tree_view.append_column ("GID", this->column_set.gid);
  this->tree_view.append_column ("Blocks", this->column_set.blocks);
  this->tree_view.append_column ("Hlink", this->column_set.hlink);


I figured out that the problem has something to do with the relation of
the Gtk::TreeView::Column and the Gtk::ModelViewColumn. Because the
error messages appear even if I omit filling a Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>
into the store. If I create the Gtk::TreeView::Column manually with a
Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf without that relation, I don't get this error
message (but no pixbufs aswell, of corse).

Finally the code that fills the store:


cFileListStore::set_dir (boost::shared_ptr<cDir> dir)
  this->directory = dir;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dir->get_count(); ++i)
      boost::shared_ptr<cFile> file = (*dir)[i];
      Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(this->store->append());
      row[this->column_set.icon] = cIconBase::get_broken();
      row[this->column_set.filename] = file->get_name ();
      row[this->column_set.size] = file->get_size (); 
      row[this->column_set.uid] = file->get_uid ();
      row[this->column_set.gid] = file->get_gid ();
      row[this->column_set.inode] = file->get_inode ();
      row[this->column_set.blocks] = file->get_blocks ();
      row[this->column_set.hlink] = file->get_hlink_count ();


I'm absolutly sure that ``cIconBase::get_broken()'' returns a valid
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>. And like I said above, if I omit that line
the errors still appear.

I hope anyone can help, any sample code would be enough I think.



Simon Fuhrmann | NightSlayer at gmx.de | http://www.dismember.de
All people talk about the real life, but where can I download it?

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