Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::DrawingArea -> always a border of 2 pixels??

>I've got a VBox as usual, with a menu, VPaned (border=3), HPaned, 
>Frame(HPaned_pack1(DrawingArea)), Frame(HPaned_pack2(DrawingArea)), 
>(created in the same order as mentioned above).
>The DrawingArea is actually a DrawingArea with a derived OpenGL view 
>(gtkglextmm) but the problem happens with both the derived view and plain 
>Here's a screenshot:
>And a description:
>Even though I've set SHADOW_NONE to the frame containing the DrawingArea, 
>the 2-pixel border won't ever go away.
>The button below the 2 pane(d)ls has also been put in a paned, but does not 
>show the 2-pixel border.
>My question: how can I get rid of this 2-pixel border?
>(is it because I'm using a frame + drawingarea add()ed on top of it?)

i would think so. i use raw DrawingAreas all the time and have never
noticed any border around them. best of all - its simple for you to
check this.


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