RE: [gtk-list]- libglade question and a gtk_about_dialog_set_url_hook ()

(Sorry, webmail... hit send to fast didn't finish typing the question)

Hello all you brilliant minds, I have 2 questions I'm trying to figure out...

1. If libgnome creates the widgets at runtime, what about widgets you may
not want created?  For example, if I were to create an about dialog in
Glade, does memory get allocated for it when my program starts?  What if a
user never opens the about dialog.  Would that not be a waste of

2. With GTK+ 2.6's , if I were to have the following code to create the
about dialog...

GtkWidget *aboutWindow;
        aboutWindow = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_ABOUT_DIALOG,
                "name", "gPICprog",
                "version", "0.1",
                "copyright", "(C) 2005 - Micah Carrick",
                "comments", N_("A Gnome PIC Programmer GUI"),
                "authors", authors,
                "documenters", documenters,
                "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
                "logo", logo,
                "website", "";,
                "website-label", "",


How would I go about using gtk_about_dialog_set_email_hook() and
gtk_about_dialog_set_url_hook?  I'm a bit wet behind the ears... does
anyone have a snippet of code with these functions in action?

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