Re: How to pass data to GtkItemFactory callback?

The way to pass data to your GtkItemFactory callbacks is done thru the fonction

void gtk_item_factory_create_items( GtkItemFactory      *ifactory,
                                   guint                n_entries,
                                   GtkItemFactoryEntry *entries,
gpointer callback_data)
*ifactory a pointer to the above created item factory.

n_entries is the number of entries in the GtkItemFactoryEntry array.

*entries is a pointer to the GtkItemFactoryEntry array.

callback_data is what gets passed to all the callback functions for all the entries with callback_action != 0.

In your array of GtkItemFactoryEntry (perl_file_select_menu), you must set the 4th parameter (called callback_action) to a value different from 0.

And the prototype of each GtkItemFactory callback is :

void callback( 	gpointer    callback_data,
	           guint       callback_action,
                  GtkWidget  *widget )

You can refer to the tutorial at the following links :

I hope it can help you.

David Topper wrote:

Hi folks,

I'd like to pass some data to my callbacks, but can't seem to do so with gtk_item_factory(). Here's the basic gist:

GtkItemFactoryEntry perl_file_select_menu[] = {
{ "/New", NULL, create_new_perl_fs, 0, NULL },
{ "/Open", NULL, create_open_perl_fs, 0, NULL },
{ "/Save", NULL, create_save_perl_fs, 0, NULL },
{ "/Save As", NULL, create_save_as_perl_fs, 0, NULL }

but I'd like to be able to pass those functions a struct from w/i my program. Can't seem to make it work. Anyone have a suggestion? Should I go about making my "file select" window a different way?



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