Pango 1.0.4 problem


Can anyone help me build pango? I keep getting errors concerning qt, but have qt on my system. Configure detects qt correctly but running make fails. This is the top of a huge list of errors...

efined reference to `QWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent*)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::x11Event(_XEvent*)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::updateMask()'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QScrollView::styleChange(QStyle&)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::enabledChange(bool)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::paletteChange(QPalette const&)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::fontChange(QFont const&)'
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/lib/qt3/include/qcstring.h:66: undefined reference to `QWid
moc_viewer-qt.o:/usr/src/ und
efined reference to `QWidget::metric(int) const'

Actually I think there were so many errors, a 1000 line history wasn't enough! :(

I want to install gtk 2.0 but have to install pango first. What is wrong either with pango (unlikely) or with my setup (likely)? I'm sort of new to linux and am using it more and more due to M$ licensing changes (not the only one it seems but that's another story).

Can anyone help?


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