Re: gtk-bin.c error when using frames

    Dinesh>     // create source frame
    Dinesh>     frame = makeFrame();
    Dinesh>     gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(topLevelWindow), frame);


    gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), topLevelWindow);

instead...  Gtk is an object-oriented programming system implemented in C.
Methods are always functions that prefix the conceptual method (e.g. "add")
with the class for which the method is defined ("gtk_container" in this
case).  The first argument must always be an instance of the class and
corresponds to "this" in C++ or self in languages like Python or Smalltalk.
You can think of the above call as


(In fact, if you where using PyGtk, that's exactly how you'd write it.)

Skip Montanaro (skip pobox com)

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