Re: libglade question

> When I use glade_xml_new() to construct the widget tree from .glade
> file, it is immediately shown on the screen as if gtk_widget_show_all()
> was called on the top level window. Is there a way to prevent it? I want
> to construct the tree and then manipulate it a bit and only then show
> it.

Just set "visible" to "no" for your top level window/widget. It's in the 
properties tag. After creating the widget with glade_xml_new (or whatever 
the function is), do your manipulation, and then call gtk_widget_show on 
the top level window/widget.

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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