Replace pixmap

Hello all,

I'm developing an application that need replace a pixmap from a pixmap
widget by another to make the blinking effect, I change few things in
function create_pixmap() suplied by Glade and I achieved to make this,
but the performance is bad, I make this function replace the pixmap each
400 miliseconds, and aparently works, but sometimes the pixmap seems to
fail the blinking (it seems a "bad-contact"), this is an ugly efect, I
dont know what I do make better.

This is the code troca_pixmap :

troca_pixmap(gpointer user_data, char *nome_pixmap, char *filename)

  GtkWidget *pixmap;
  GdkColormap *colormap;
  GdkPixmap *gdkpixmap;
  GdkBitmap *mask;
  gchar *pathname;

  pixmap = lookup_widget(user_data, nome_pixmap);

  if (!filename || !filename[0])
      return -1;

  pathname = gnome_pixmap_file (filename);
  if (!pathname)
      g_warning (_("Couldn't find pixmap file: %s"), filename);
      return -1;

  colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (user_data);

  /* gdkpixmap = gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm (NULL, colormap,
&mask, NULL, pathname); */

  gdkpixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm (NULL, &mask, NULL, pathname);

  if (gdkpixmap == NULL)
      g_warning (_("Couldn't create pixmap from file: %s"), pathname);
      g_free (pathname);
      return -1;

  g_free (pathname);

  gtk_pixmap_set(GTK_PIXMAP(pixmap), gdkpixmap, mask);
  gdk_pixmap_unref (gdkpixmap);
  gdk_bitmap_unref (mask);

  return 1;

Thanks for any help.

Flavio Alberto

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