The GtkText widget


I had a few questions and things to say related to the GtkText widget.

Why doesn't the GtkText issue signals like "move_cursor" "move_to_row" when
the cursor is moved. They are `declared' in the gtkeditable.h. I found this
out when I needed the move_to_row...

Why is the "delete_text" signal only send when you delete a selection, and
not (for instance) when you press the delete key? The "insert_text" is
called with evry insertion.

Why, when entering a key, the "insert_text" signal, the const gchar *text
isn't '\0' terminated. When you paste something with the mouse it is.

Whats the relation between the `point' from the text widget and the
`position' from the editable widget (gtk_text_get_point,
gtk_editable_get_position). Most of the time there not the same ...

Souldn't that patch (included with gIDE) for the Text  widget be included
in gtk? As far as I understood it, it allows you to change the color etc.
of a block text without inserting or removing text. That would be
extremely usefull...

And last, but not least, a suggestion:

I would like it if you press the PgDn key, and the widget can't scroll on down
anymory, that the cursor is positioned on the bottom line.


   ~     Gert, Gs2, The Blue Mage - whatever you prefer
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