Re: [gtk-list] g_scanner funtions what for?

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hello,
> I have to read some certain values from a textfile.  The values
> are stored as:
> <key>: <value>
> I wonder if the (undocumented :-() g_scanner functions are my friend
> or if I have to write my own gets/scanf stuff (ore use older things
> from former projects).  Can anybody give me a hint if it is possible
> to to it in "The GTK+ Way" to have a clean GTK+ API or if these
> functions are intended to solve other things.  I tried to find
> a sense from gtkrc.c but failed understanding it.

a GScanner will tokenize your text, that is, it'll return an integer
for every word or number that appears in its input stream, following
certain (customizable) rules to perform this translation.
you still need to write the parsing functions on your own though.
here's a little test program that will parse


constructs, while skipping "#\n" and "/**/" style comments.

#include <glib.h>

/* some test text to be fed into the scanner */
static const gchar *test_text =
( "ping = 5;\n"
  "/* slide in some \n"
  " * comments, just for the\n"
  " * fun of it \n"
  " */\n"
  "pong = -6; \n"
  "# the next value is a float\n"
  "zonk = 0.7;\n"
  "# redefine ping\n"
  "ping = - 0.5;\n" );

/* define enumeration values to be returned for specific symbols */
enum {

/* symbol array */
static const struct {
  gchar *symbol_name;
  guint  symbol_token;
} symbols[] = {
  { "ping", SYMBOL_PING, },
  { "pong", SYMBOL_PONG, },
  { "zonk", SYMBOL_ZONK, },
  { NULL, 0, },
}, *symbol_p = symbols;

static gfloat ping = 0;
static gfloat pong = 0;
static gfloat zonk = 0;

static guint
parse_symbol (GScanner *scanner)
  guint symbol;
  gboolean negate = FALSE;

  /* expect a valid symbol */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  symbol = scanner->token;
  if (symbol < SYMBOL_PING ||
      symbol > SYMBOL_ZONK)
    return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL;

  /* expect '=' */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->token != '=')
    return '=';

  /* feature optional '-' */
  g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->next_token == '-')
      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
      negate = !negate;

  /* expect a float (ints are converted to floats on the fly) */
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
  if (scanner->token != G_TOKEN_FLOAT)
    return G_TOKEN_FLOAT;

  /* make sure the next token is a ';' */
  if (g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner) != ';')
      /* not so, eat up the non-semicolon and error out */
      g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);
      return ';';

  /* assign value, eat the semicolon and exit successfully */
  switch (symbol)
    case SYMBOL_PING:
      ping = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
    case SYMBOL_PONG:
      pong = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
    case SYMBOL_ZONK:
      zonk = negate ? - scanner->value.v_float : scanner->value.v_float;
  g_scanner_get_next_token (scanner);

  return G_TOKEN_NONE;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GScanner *scanner;
  guint expected_token;

  scanner = g_scanner_new (NULL);

  /* adjust lexing behaviour to suit our needs
  /* convert non-floats (octal values, hex values...) to G_TOKEN_INT */
  scanner->config->numbers_2_int = TRUE;
  /* convert G_TOKEN_INT to G_TOKEN_FLOAT */
  scanner->config->int_2_float = TRUE;
  /* don't return G_TOKEN_SYMBOL, but the symbol's value */
  scanner->config->symbol_2_token = TRUE;

  /* load symbols into the scanner */
  while (symbol_p->symbol_name)
      g_scanner_add_symbol (scanner,
			    GINT_TO_POINTER (symbol_p->symbol_token));

  /* feed in the text */
  g_scanner_input_text (scanner, test_text, strlen (test_text));

  /* give the error handler an idea on how the input is named */
  scanner->input_name = "test text";

  /* scanning loop, we parse the input untill it's end is reached,
   * the scanner encountered a lexing error, or our sub routine came
   * across invalid syntax
      expected_token = parse_symbol (scanner);
      g_scanner_peek_next_token (scanner);
  while (expected_token == G_TOKEN_NONE &&
	 scanner->next_token != G_TOKEN_EOF &&
	 scanner->next_token != G_TOKEN_ERROR);

  /* give an error message upon syntax errors */
  if (expected_token != G_TOKEN_NONE)
    g_scanner_unexp_token (scanner, expected_token, NULL, "symbol", NULL, NULL, TRUE);

  /* finsish parsing */
  g_scanner_destroy (scanner);

  /* print results */
  g_print ("ping: %f\n", ping);
  g_print ("pong: %f\n", pong);
  g_print ("zonk: %f\n", zonk);
  return 0;

this gives:
$ gcc -Wall `glib-config --cflags --libs` gscanner-ex.c  && ./a.out
ping: -0.500000
pong: -6.000000
zonk: 0.700000

if you change line 6 in the input text to "pong = +6; \n", you get:

$ gcc -Wall `glib-config --cflags --libs` gscanner-ex.c  && ./a.out
test text:6: error: unexpected character `+', expected number (float)
ping: 5.000000
pong: 0.000000
zonk: 0.000000

since '+'s are not featured by parse_symbol(). since parsing is aborted,
the lines that would assign values to pong and zonk are not evaluated and
thus their values remain 0.

> Kind regards
>       Andreas.


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