Re: [gtk-list] Dialog on startup

Thus spoke Ron Forrester
> Is there some way before I call gtk_main(), I can queue up a message
> (signal?) such that once gtk_main() is called, the signal will fire
> and I can popup this dialog box?

Just use a timer set to go off after a short period (and after the main
loop has started) to do the check for you.  I do that with my app.  It's 
easier than trying to program your way around the main loop.

My code looks like this:

      disabled_cmds_timer = 
         gtk_timeout_add (1500, (GtkFunction)XPGTKShowDisabledCmds, NULL);

This routine takes the timeout period, a pointer to the function to call,
and a pointer to user data as it's arguments.   The timeout period is in
1000ths of a second.

I make this call right before calling gtk_main(), so about 1.5 seconds
after the main loop gets going I get my XPGTKShowDisabledCmds routine called.
Michael J. Hammel           | There are always women who will take men on their
The Graphics Muse           | own terms. If I were a man I wouldn't bother to  | change while there are women like that around.     Ann Oakley, British sociologist, author.

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