Poblem compiling Glib 1.2.4

When compiling Glib 1.2.4 on a RedHat 5.2 system with gcc 2.95.1,
I got an error about FD_ZERO used in gerror.c.

In the GCC-2.95.1 FAQ file, it states that the FD_ZERO macro
supplied with libc-5.4.46 is incorrect (invalid asm clobbers)
and gives replacement code for it. Using that code makes the
compile work.

Is it possible to add a test in the configure to test for
the bad FD_ZERO code? I don't know if it is broken only for
gcc-2.95.1, or for previous versions also, the FAQ is not

Just thought I ought to give a warning about this in case anyone
else tries this.

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