Re: [gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: GtkSheet-5.0

At 12:21 AM 7/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
>GtkSheet is a Matrix/Table widget for Gtk+
>Originally, it was a variant of GtkClist widget (by Jay Painter) but
>it became more than I expected, and actually it has almost nothing to do 
>with it.
>I would like to say that I have NO experience with other matrix widgets
>but those used by the most popular spreadsheets. My intention was to add
>to my widget all those features I think are more useful. I think you won't
>get  disappointed.
>This distribution includes a demo program where you can see many of the
>widget's features.
>You can download it from my ftp site:
>If you have any problem, just let me know. The connection could be quite

I'd like to take a look at this, but am unable to get that URL to
respond. Could you e-mail me a copy, or does anyone have it available
somewhere else?
Kevin Handy         Accounting Software for
Software Solutions. Inc.         VAX/VMS Computer Systems
Idaho Falls, Idaho

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