[patch] gtktree pixmaps

As promised, this is a patch which make pixmaps inline in gtk library.

The patch is gtk-bolliet-980212-0.patch.gz.
It is with this mail and i've put it on ftp.gimp.org.

Good work.

P.S.: I've forgotten to specifie that this patch is for gtk+-0.99.3 in
    _/ _/_/  _/  _/_/   _/_/_/ _/_/_/ Bolliet Jerome
   _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/  _/  _/     _/  email: bolliet@in2p3.fr
  _/ _/  _/_/    _/   _/_/_/   _/_/   
 _/ _/    _/   _/    _/         _/    Equipe Administration Systeme
_/ _/    _/  _/_/_/ _/     _/_/_/     email: sysunix@in2p3.fr
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