RE: [gtk-list] Re: Tutorial code converted to Perl

On 16-Apr-98 fractture wrote:
> First off, what tutorial are you tlaking about?  In mine, section 4 is about
> packing boxes.
> Also, from what I understand thus far, gtk_main_quit() is supposed to do
> exactly
> that, kill gtk_main()
> and thus the entire app.

I'm talking about the same section (packing boxes).  Jason is converting the
C Gtk Tutorial to Perl and he was having trouble with something that the
tutorial seemed to make unclear.  It connected gtk_main_quit() to the button
signal that sent the main window as an argument.  This makes it appear that
gtk_main_quit() is supposed to take the toplevel window as an argument.  As
I know now... this is untrue and should be fixed in the C tutorial.


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